Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Live Well Wednesdays

A few months back, I wrote a post about choosing to Live Well. I don't think I've written anything about it since then, partly because I've pretty much let it all fall by the wayside. A few months ago, I received an invitation to participate in a weekly carnival, called Live Well Wednesdays. The idea is to report on how I'm doing with this concept, and to visit others who are committed to Living Well too.

After much procrastination, here I am. I'm really going to try to do this. One of the main reasons I haven't is that I find that when I start saying things like, "I'm going to get up every morning and have my quiet time and exercise," or "I'm not eating any refined sugar today," I seem to set myself up for failure. It's almost as if the pressure of it all is more than I can deal with. In my perfectionism, I would simply rather not try, than to try and then fail.

So. Here's what I'm committing to. I'm going to post about this weekly. I'm going to try my best to share the ups and downs. This Living Well thing is part physical, part mental, but mostly spiritual. That means there will be many lows and many highs. Probably a lot of ups and downs, moment by moment. I'll keep you posted. And if you'd like to join me, please do! Click on the button above and read some amazing encouragement. Then look in the sidebar and visit others who are committing to Living Well. I know you'll be blessed and encouraged.

Ok. Here's what I've noticed today. I'm really good at procrastination! (I've actually known this for a while.) Not only is it a waste of time, but a waste of energy as well. I spent half of the morning avoiding exercising. I just didn't feel like doing it, and it had been about a week since the last time I worked out. But about 10:30 this morning, I just decided, "Stop thinking about it, and just do it!" So I did. And I felt so much better for it. I had more energy and I also didn't have to keep thinking all day about how I really should exercise.

Also. The same thing goes for my quiet time with God. I put it off, and put it off, all the while spending my emotional energy feeling like I "should" be doing it. Not that God loves me any less when I don't do it, but it's more beneficial for me to do it than not.

These are the 2 areas that I'll be working on this week. I guess it all boils down to consistency. Not that both of these things HAVE to be done each day. I don't want to get legalistic about it. But they should be done with regularity. Living Well depends on it!


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I could've wrote that same post. We think a lot alike.

Charlene said...

Welcome to Living Well Wednesdays! There is something about exercise- I never want to do it, but once I start I enjoy it and after I feel so much better. Right now I'm working on the journaling, exercise will probably be next! Just a few years agao I exercised everyday 15 minutes at least now I find it's been squeezed out!

Anonymous said...

Can I suggest journaling? Start the morning with this book and your Bible. God will lead you to the verse He wants you to write down. Pray for His strenght to help you fight the good fight. Journal your foods, all of them. Journal your exercise. And at the end of the day, give Him the glory. I'm not preaching, but this is what I started doing on January 1st. Before that, I was like you with the Live Well Posts. I had all the head knowledge. I just wasn't putting it into action. I wasn't exactly standing still but I wasn't traveling in the right direction either.
You've already made a good start with your exercise yesterday and your goals to do those two things.
Good luck! I look forward to reading your post next week.
Mama Bear

tammi said...


Sounds like you and I are in the same boat -- along with a few others! The simple reality is no one can change our habits but us. Sucky, but true! Making changes one small step at a time is a good way to get started and a great way to keep going.

Marsha said...

I'm with Mama Bear.

Also, to realize it is a spiritual bring our bodies under subjection. Now I have a HUGE amount of weight to get rid of (80-100 lbs!) because I've always just pushed it aside and said I'm doing everything I should spiritually, this just must be the way I am. WRONG! We are to bring our bodies under the subjection of Christ!

You can do it, girl! We're all in this ounce at a time.

God's girl said...

Oh, Melissa, I am so glad you are in. Don't let perfectionism keep you from doing this! We all have our ups and downs in this battle. Let's do it together! I cannot wait to see what God does through this.

Your goals sound so good. Just keep on moving forward.

Anonymous said...

Welcome! I understand your perfectionism. Just last week I had to realize that I can't keep setting these unrealistic goals because it just does nothing but set me for failure and the "POOF" it's all over. There will be ups and downs but we are all in this together! I look forward to reading your progress in the weeks to come!

Tammy said...

Welcome to Living Well, Melissa :-)

Baby steps. Work at one thing at a time until it becomes a daily habit. Then consider what you what to add in next. Slow and steady. It works. Really!

Tammy ~@~

michelle said...

Melissa, I'm so proud of you for bringing this concept up again on your blog...bringing supporters around you when you want to make better choices is the only way to do it. I know that I'm really good at avoiding talking about things like diet and exercise, because I know if Ian hears me, he'll hold me accountable. And when he does, I get irritated, so then he stops asking and the cycle begins again. And nothing ever changes. It's not only 20 lbs that needs to go, it's the mental laziness on my part, the procrastination (does this run in the family?!!), the "why even start, I'll never stick with it" attitude. It affects too many pieces of my life...and that's not the flavor of hot chocolate I want to drink, I'll tell you that much. (he-he-he :))
I'm really curious to see how this process works for you...not that there's ever an official "end result". But, you've quite of circle of encouragement, and for that, you are blessed!

Darlene Schacht said...

Sorry I missed this post last Wednesday. I was finishing up CWO. I'm praying for you!

I'm so glad that you're not giving up--just refocusing :)