Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Linkage

It's no secret to most of my friends that I like to browse the internet. I've decided to try to share weekly, some of the sites that have caught my interest lately. Here's the first edition!

A Year of Crockpotting - follow one woman's quest to use her crockpot every day in 2008. A new recipe is given every day! I'm wondering why I didn't think of this one.

The Pioneer Woman - I can't remember how I stumbled upon this one, but she gets somewhere near 25,000 hits a day. Unbelievable. She's a city slicker turned cattle rancher, and a great photographer too. I especially enjoy the ongoing love story between her husband and herself.

Bloggy Giveaways - a great site to visit daily if you like entering contests. Plus, a little birdy told me that my sister's card company will be sponsering a giveaway on this site next week. Go on on and enter it!

The Hunter Home - the website of my cousin and her husband. They have recently announced plans to adopt 2 children from Ethiopia and are sharing their story online. I've read some other blogs that are dedicated to this topic, and I have to say, it makes me even more excited for my cousin.

Money Saving Mom- a website that promotes frugality. Lots of tips and tricks for saving money in all sorts of ways! She also features weekly posts about the specials going on in nation-wide drugstores, and how you can maximize the discounts at those stores.

1 comment:

Stephanie ODea said...

melissa, thank you for the kind words and for the link!
I have no idea how I'm going to last a whole year... I'm open for any and all recipe suggestions!