Monday, August 28, 2006

Best Friends

Emma had her best friends over for a playdate today. Amanda and Kaitlyn are her buddies. They love to play, laugh, scream, and giggle together. Their mommies love to meet at McDonald's or the mall for lunch and to let the girls get all their energy out on the playscapes. They really do love each other -their eyes light up when they see each other. Amanda is 3 and Kaitlyn is 2. Emma's birthday is right in between theirs. They first met at MOPS and have been friends since they were 15 months old! I hope that they continue to be great friends in the years to come. Since they were so cute and having so much fun today, I decided to snap some pics of them to remember the day. I'll probably end up scrapbooking them and I can't wait to find some fun paper to use.


Anonymous said...

Melissa, I can't believe how big she is getting and so cute-she looks just like you! I'm glad she has good buddies to play with ! And yes, we are still coming up in November-what are you guys thinking concerning that?

Anonymous said...

Melissa, I can't believe how big she is getting and so cute-she looks just like you! I'm glad she has good buddies to play with ! And yes, we are still coming up in November-what are you guys thinking concerning that?